Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello, hello.

I hope everyone is doing well this week. Hopefully with family and friends.

Yesterday was my grandmother's (mom's mother) birthday. I went to her house a couple of hours before dinner and just chatted with her. It really was just a blessing to me. She just had so much to offer in our conversation, and her words are always just so wise- seasoned by the years. She has not had an easy life, but she has trusted the Lord and he has carried her. Just like He will (and has) done the same for all of us. Even as we continue to sin every single day.

As the night continued and the rest of my family came, I again realized how blessed I am. The only person we were missing was Emily, but she comes home today :) I love sitting around big tables with yummy food and just talking with people. Truly, one of my favorite things in the world is to eat with family and friends!

That said, I think that could be the start of my "I believe" thingy.

I believe in family. The power of it, and the love that encompasses mine.

I believe in good meals with family and friends. Around a big dining room table, particularly one that has some history to it.

I believe in riding in the car with the windows down. So freeing to me. With good music- even better.

You know what? I think I'm going to stop the list there and try to add an "I believe" statement at the end of every post. Maybe that will become my trademark :)

I hope each of you enjoy time with family and friends... relaxing, and being so, so thankful for the many gifts and blessings that we have graciously and undeservingly received. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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